Showing posts with label ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ministry. Show all posts

06 April 2019

April Highlights: The Cuenca Recyclers

April Highlights: The Cuenca Recyclers 

Thank you for joining with us as partners. God continues to bless and grow His Kingdom. His Gospel is powerful! Our desire is for you to know more and feel more connected to what is happening on the mission field, so every six to eight weeks we will be bringing you ministry highlights from the Arco churches here in Ecuador.

In February we shared with you how the Arco ministry network has been responding to our Venezuelan brothers in need as they flee their collapsing country. This month, we bring you wonderful news about breaking the cycle of poverty in a group of our neighbors right here in Cuenca: the city recyclers.

To support themselves and their families, these recyclers pick plastic, tin, and glass out of neighborhood garbages. They live significantly below the poverty line and have been doing so for generations. Arco Church in Cuenca has recently partnered with a municipal program to work with the families of the recyclers, with a special focus on their children.

Children’s pastor Ismael Vallejo has seen huge changes in children’s lives through the program. Speaking about one boy in particular, he says “Seeing how the other kids loved each other was so impactful for this boy. It was shocking to see how he completely changed from one day to the next. I know that giving material gifts is meaningful, but it isn’t the most important thing we can do for these kids. It’s how we treat them that has such a great impact. We love them and treat them like people, like God’s children. They’ve never felt that before.”

Take a moment to hear the rest of this boy’s story, and to learn more about how God has been working in all of their stories over at the Arco Ministries siteWe ask for your continued prayers for us and for the families of the Cuenca recyclers. Thank you for your continuing support!

27 July 2018

Summer Update - 2018

As we step into our new network of churches, Arco Ministers Alliance, remembrance is prophetically ringing in our hearts, minds, and experiences. We began this adventure 30 years ago, totally unprepared and completely dependent on the Lord’s mercy and favor.

Marilyn and I recently returned from our first visit to Israel, where we were invited to participate in a conference with leaders from around the world. While there, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the modern nation of Israel, the day of Pentecost, and the establishment of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. After all we heard, saw, and felt we are more convinced than ever that we are living in a powerful prophetic time on the earth.

08 July 2013

WooHoo!! 25 Years!!

Wow! As we think back on all the thoughts and concerns we had when we first began this adventure there are SO many, I think I'll just focus on two.... the first was the peace of knowing this was what God was calling us to do. Second, was struggling at not being overwhelmed at the thought of reducing our 3 bedroom house, and two vehicles, down to 6 - 55 gallon drums, and a handmade crate the size of two disassembled kids bicycles. Wish we had taken more photos!!! I think I was so traumatized I couldn't take a picture!
Joel, John, Jonathan, Marilyn, Lisa and Al Vescera - January 1988

28 May 2013

Isaiah 54:2-3

"Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your offspring will possess the nations and will people the desolate cities."

It's amazing how a few patients at a time can add up to such a large final number! In the last 10 years, working with the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, (GHO) we have touched 62,350 people! That's a good sized town! Some have received a life changing surgery, some a brief check-up, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory medication. 
All have been prayed for, smiled at, and shown the love of Jesus....
A team member plays with a patient while his mother is being seen by the doctor

13 April 2013


We are amazed and grateful to report that the time of harvest in Ecuador has continued for over a decade and has shown no sign of abating.  In Cuenca, our third service is standing room only.  Each week we receive 30 to 40 first time visitors, many of whom make a public commitment to the Lord.  On average 20 new believers are being baptized every month.  Our discipleship classes are well attended, our marriage seminars, retreats, and Alpha courses are running at capacity, and about 50% of those who attend are unbelievers, hungry for God.     

The gospel is advancing mightily all over the country. The Lord is pouring out His Spirit on many churches and ministries. In January we celebrated Verbo’s 30th anniversary in Ecuador, and we’re grateful and humbled to see that by His grace, He has shown special favor towards Verbo.  
Diego Espinoza, our national leader, introduces Bob Capaldi, director of South America.
In key cities like Quito, Riobamba, Loja, Pasaje, Guabo and Lago Agrio, Verbo is the largest evangelical church, often times with double or even 3 times the membership of other churches.  In many instances our churches are filled to capacity in 3 and even 4 Sunday services.  In cities like Guayaquil, Cuenca, Santa Rosa and Santa Domingo, our churches have significant influence and favor in the city, with important social works, through their community and ecclesiastical involvement.  
the church in Cuenca
John continues serving as director of the southern region of Verbo Ministries in Ecuador, which includes a total of twelve churches, the Family Health Foundation, a Medical Clinic, the Verbo school- with 250 students from K-12, La Esperanza children’s home, Radio Familia - our FM radio station, and our Arco Language Institute.

John sharing in Quito
Marilyn continues serving in the local church and heading up short-term medical outreaches, throughout the country.....  more on that soon!  
One Physical Therapist prays with a patient, while the other works on a patients hand...
February 2013 - Verbo Santa Isabel


15 April 2009

Mission Visits

Whatever I have,
wherever I am,
I can make it through anything
in the One
who makes me who I am.

Phil 4:12b-13 the Message

John enjoying the crowd in El Guabo

Before we left for the States we made a visit to each of the churches that we have planted around the country- and those John covers as part of the national council of Verbo. We were able to visit Gualaquiza, Loja, Vilcabamba, the 3 churches in the province of El Oro; El Guabo, Pasaje and Machala, and Manta. That's a lot of miles the highway!

In Manta we had a special time- John shared about the importance of blessing your children. Above are Cinthia and Darwin, one of the young couples who work with Fabian and Clara, praying for their kids.

We had a series of meetings with the church in Loja (above and below) - seminars for leaders in the mornings, and meetings for the congregation in the evenings. It was wonderful to see the response from the leadership all the way through the congregation.

- - -

The church in Vilcabamba is growing steadily, thanks to the dedication of Alfredo Erizalde, (that's him in the lower right corner in the photo of the Loja congregation) who is going down every week to meet and disciple these young Christians. Above, Mauricio Alvarez, the pastor from Loja, is praying for the group in the small room they rent for their meetings. Below, some of the church members waiting for the January medical team in the municipal building in downtown Vilcabamba.

The greatest blessing for us was to spend time with each of these leaders, individually and as teams, sharing our hearts and concerns for them. They all reassured us that in spite of the normal difficulties of learning to relate as teams and with their congregations, they were convinced that God had them where they were, and they were passionate about pursuing His will for their lives! Just amazing.

26 February 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Joel !!!!

Well, this is long over due, but in September Joel talked to Karyn's parents about his interest in marrying her, and asked me to see if I could get an engagement ring made. (There are a lot of people in our church who are in the jewelry business.) He had a crumpled picture taken out of a magazine that Karyn's best friend sent to him up in Alaska, where he worked last summer fishing for salmon. He carried it around in his pocket, and on a clandestine usage of his bosses' computer took a photo- holding the wrinkled scrap in front of the computer's camera. It was quite interesting, but I printed it and took it to a friend.

John and I went to the States for a couple of conferences, and we mailed him the ring. The future mother-in-law is so relieved that the future daughter-in-law liked it! The wedding will be March 19, in Oregon.
We are so happy for our baby boy. Karyn is an amazing young woman who came to know Jesus when she was 18 years old. Joel met her when he was attending Corban College in Salem. She was the co-captain of the women's soccer team, and in her bio stated that her goal was to become a missionary jungle nurse. She speaks Spanish well. She has graduated from Corban, and been accepted at Midwestern University in their Physician Assistant program. Joel has applied to nursing schools in the Chicago area, and they will be moving there when Joel finishes up this semester of school in Salem.
We are looking forward to the day when they can come down here and join us - the Lord knows there is plenty to do, and we welcome the opportunity to have our children closer to us. In the mean time, keep them in your prayers. They are a wonderful couple, and we feel so blessed to welcome Karyn into our family.

03 December 2008

First Service in Verbo Rio

On September 7th we were blessed to attend the first service at our new extension church in Cuenca. We chose a location on the other side of the airport, where we currently have 10 functioning home churches. Everyone in the neighborhood received an invitation to come, enjoy the service, and share a meal together. Here are some pictures- enjoy!

13 October 2008

Ordaining Elders

On August 29, we had the national council of Verbo in Cuenca for their meeting, and took advantage to ordain some elders from the churches in the southern region of Ecuador. There are pros and cons to every situation- we have known most of these couples since they came into the church, and have been blessed to see their commitment and growth spiritually; so it's doubly rewarding to participate in the recognition of their years of service. On the other hand, Man! We've been around a long time!

From the Cuenca church, we ordained Gustavo Cabrera and Daniel Quiroz. Gustavo has been in the church serving on the worship team for around 12 years. He is in charge of the worship team, and the radio station. In addition he has been a home group leader for years, involved in discipling many young couples in one to one relationships. We have watched him fall in love with Maria, marry, and have their first baby.

You might remember from a few posts back, that we sent Daniel and his family to Gualaquiza in April of 2007. They have been faithfully sowing in the community there- the church is growing, and they have opened a small branch of the Family Health Foundation's clinic and have a couple of doctors and a dentist giving some time to help out those with low incomes. We have sent them a basic range of medications from our “brigade” store room so they have something to offer the poor. Daniel also led home groups while in Cuenca and worked the 5:00 to 9:00 am shift at the radio station, as well as man the sound booth during church services.

The presiding elder from each church presented each of the new elders to the congregation. Mauricio introduced Bruno from Loja, and Gregorio introduced Alfonso and Fabricio from El Guabo. Gregorio is helping out in Machala and has been covering the small group in Naranjal for some time now, so Alfonso and Fabrizio have taken the baton for the El Guabo church. We also ordained two deacons from Loja and Pasaje.

It was a wonderful to see God raising up new laborers- He is so awesome!

07 September 2008

Opening a new church body in Cuenca

Rene and Graciela (Chela) Osorio

Throughout the month of August we announced the upcoming opening of a new church body on the other side of Cuenca. Our newest elder had stepped up to the challenge of recruiting leaders and members of various ministries to help in establishing a new congregation on the other side of Cuenca. Our church building is located on the south west side of town.

We have felt the need to open something toward the north east- on the other side of the airport, for a very long time, and have spent many months looking for a suitable location. As always, when the Lord was ready, it all fell into place.

Rene sharing on Sunday morning.

On their last Sunday in the 'home' church, the ministry team came forward for a prayer led by Bob Capaldi, our national leader of Verbo, and a member of the international council.

In all, there were close to 30 ready to go and serve in the new work. We are so happy to see how the body has been so open to heed the Lord's call on their lives, and challenged to encourage others to rise up to replace them!

16 July 2008


My goodness- I was looking forward to July 9 for months now thinking about what John & I could do to celebrate . . . but as happens so often, the tasks of the day move us on and before we know it the "special" day has past.
So, 20 years ago, John and I and the 3 kids, (Lisa-10, Jonathan- 7, and Joel- 15 months) got off a plane in Guayaquil, Ecuador, amazed at all the noise and confusion, got ourselves out of customs, and met our old friend Rick LaBouef, who drove us 8,366 ft. straight up to our new home, Cuenca, Ecuador. So many things have happened since then, I hesitate to even begin to talk about it for fear of this entry turning into a book!
Cuenca is more beautiful than ever in some ways, and more terrible in others. We have several grocery stores now, and most of the roads are paved, the downtown area was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999, and is in a constant state of upgrading. When we got here, looking for a taxi after 9:00 pm was a lost cause- everyone went to bed! We walked home after a night meeting, many, many times. The spiritual atmosphere was very traditional and closed to any new ideas.

On the other hand, the culture has become much more open to influences that are not in sync with former family values. Teenagers line some of the main roads drinking from early afternoon into the night any day of the week. Spouses are less likely to put up with their mates philandering, so the divorce rate is up. However, these negative influences have broken open the closed spiritual doors, and we are convinced that we are in the middle of a revival here. Recently someone told me they were talking to a missionary who worked in Latin America many years ago. When revival was happening in other Latin American countries, the situation in Ecuador remained closed- now it is time for Ecuadorians to seek God for all He has for them, and His Holy Spirit is being poured out like never before.

We count it all as God's grace and mercy- he has put a love for Ecuador and it's people in our hearts, and we rejoice to see the fruit He has allowed to come forth as we worked for His kingdom here. Each day we see new areas of need, and He shows us how we can minister. It has been an awesome 20 years, and we look forward to many more years of walking with our Savior, and rejoicing in the marvelous ways He works.

23 June 2008

Spring 2008

Action packed, only begins to describe our spring in Cuenca. The last week in March, a Taylor University freshman, here on a short mission trip, tried to impress his classmates with his “Survivor” savvy and was lost for a day and a night at a 13,000 foot elevation in the Cajas National Park above Cuenca. After an grueling search and rescue effort, the young man was located and brought to safety.

In keeping with their heritage of excellence, Dr. Skip Trudeau, dean of students and Dr. Chris Bennett, associate provost and dean of international programs at Taylor University, abandoned their busy schedules and flew to Ecuador to offer apologies to the mayor, the city officials, the search and rescue leaders and to our church family. This gesture of humility, once again, solidified our confidence in Taylor’s high standards of academic integrity, one of North America’s finest higher educational institutions.
On the heels of this event we received a 32 member graduating team from the Bethel Church School of Ministry, from Redding California. This group, who moved in the true Spirit of Jesus, ministered in Riobamba, Cuenca and Guayaquil. The above photo shows a ministry time in Cuenca- below, some team members doing some prophetic art during worship time. The pastor of the Riobamba church confirmed that a woman in his fellowship was healed of leukemia in response to prayer from the Bethel students. PTL!
In early April, while the Redding team was still here, we received a GHO gynecology team led by Dr. Ross Rumph and Mary, his lovely wife. Ross stayed on a second week and spearheaded the efforts of the 1st Women in Medicine & Dentistry team from Global Health Outreach.

Simultaneously, we were also enjoying the company of Rachel and Ricky Guido, our niece and nephew from North Carolina, who were translating for the various medical and ministry teams and visiting their friends in Cuenca. They did a fantastic job, and we love having them in our empty nest.

A New Ministry

In mid April we decided to investigate the need or an orphanage in Cuenca. In spite of being told for years that there was no pressing need for children at risk in Cuenca and southern Ecuador, what we discovered was startling and sad. Every facility we visited in Cuenca, was under-staffed, over-worked and under-funded. In 2007,only 31 children in all of Ecuador were adopted in spite of the 230,000 'orphans' who live here!

Paola Hermoza's entire family followed Marilyn and I here from Lima, Peru 11 years ago. A young woman with a burden for orphans and abused children, Paola set out interviewing orphanage directors, social service administrators, doctors, lawyers, social workers and even interviewed the director of the women’s prison here in Azuay province. To a person, everyone she interviewed pleaded for assistance and concurred that, because of the strength of the Family Health Foundation and the decades of stability of the Verbo church, a children’s home founded by us could rescue many precious lives of children at risk. We also believe that this thrust toward mercy and social justice could impact our entire city and province with the gospel in action. (Mt.25:40)
We presented a proposal to the executive board of the foundation. Our orphanage proposal was enthusiastically received and unanimously approved. Preliminary government approval came rapidly, due both to the solid history of the Family Health Foundation and the diligent efforts of Paola. We then presented the vision to the church and six couples immediately volunteered to work as house parents or assist in any way they could. The time table we projected had us receiving our first children in September, but it seems God had another idea!
On June 1, the Lord dropped 8 children on our door step. Suffering unmentionable abuse at the hands of their demonized father, these eight siblings were filled with fear and anxiety. Their mother fled in terror, when their father repeatedly raped one of the children in front of the others, and then threatened to sell them into child prostitution.

So now, our well articulated plan could not wait for our carefully scheduled timetable. We kicked it into high gear, believing God for provision. The Verbo church family rallied with clothing and temporary housing. Family Health Foundation, treated the two youngest for pneumonia, provided medicine to treat all 8 children for lice and scabies and pregnancy tested one of the older siblings.

Temporary housing was found to meet the immediate need, but we needed a home closer to town where our psychologist, social worker, and other care givers could begin the long-term healing we had originally envisioned. In the beginning of this quest, we made a commitment to Jesus to care for these children as HE wanted them cared for.

Paola’s contacts quickly found us a couple who were willing to rent their large house for $800 per month. That amount seemed beyond our reach, but in faith we looked at the house and offered them $500, the amount we had originally budgeted for our first home. Raul and his wife, Etelvina, who attends a Verbo women’s bible study, were moved by our heart for orphans, and agreed to rent to us for our $500 budget amount. On July 1 we are the new tenants of a beautiful house in Cuenca, near the church building and a big market - God is faithful!
After we interviewed the potential house parents on Saturday, June 14, we found the perfect couple to care for these 8 precious children. Yuri and Maria del Carmen have a two year old daughter, Rebekah, and because of a health condition will not have other children of their own. Yuri has always wanted lots of children and Maria feels called by God to be a mother of many.I had the privilege of leading Maria del Carmen to the Lord a number of years ago. Since that time, this couple has been an integral part of the Verbo church family. Maria del Carmen has helped Marilyn with the medical brigades, and then went on to work in the Physical Therapy department at our clinic. We are confident this couple can help foster the wholeness and healing these battered siblings need and deserve.

On Sunday, June 15, Maria del Carmen brought all the children to church, and the oldest sister, Daniela, gave her heart to the Lord. We know this is the first fruits of our obedience to the Lord’s command to care for the orphans and fatherless. (James 1:27)

-Please pray for God’s provision of furniture, bedding, appliances, dishes and the plethora of items we will need to make this house a home.
-Pray the authorities will take the father’s crimes seriously and detain him accordingly.
-If God moves you to participate financially please send your tax deductible checks to AIM- and note "for the orphanage", the address is at the bottom of the page. Or you can give by clicking on the donate button on this page as well. By all means, if you would like to help us in a hands on way, we would appreciate your help on a short term mission.
On mission with you - John

02 April 2008

2007 Summary - Part Four

OCTOBER - The Manta church with 50 in attendance outgrew it’s small building and moves to a beautiful theater in an excellent location now there’s room for over 300.

Paul Berube from and Allan Ross a pastor from Scotland visit for a time of ministry to the congregation and to set up a student exchange program between our churches.

NOVEMBER - Dr. Luis Rojas, a board member from our church, travels to Uruguay, South America to minister in a Christian Leadership Conference for medical professionals. We are blessed to see our leaders sent out by the Lord and ministering to other nations.

Boris Ordonez and Raul Bonifaz are sent out to plant a new church in Azogues, Ecuador. There are currently 70 members in attendance in the work there.

Two couples from our church the Osorios and the Rodriguezes travel to Nicaragua, Central America to minister to the Verbo leadership from all over the country. Once again we are honored to have members of our leadership team sent out to serve other countries. There was a mighty move of God and the leadership was greatly blessed.

DECEMBER - Terry King with Bill and Craig Davidson, from Alliance International Ministries, visit and minister to the Leadership and congregation. Bill and Craig also minister in Guayaquil and Riobamba and do a scouting trip for the Service Corp. It was a wonderful, inspiring time for all. We were refreshed and challenged by what the Lord ministered through these trusted men of God.

March in Downtown Cuenca protesting the Ecuadorian’s Presidents failure to approve laws dedicated to improving highway safety. The march was organized by the Parents of the students who lost their lives in the bus accident in conjunction with the Church. Over 500 individuals from all walks of life participated. The press was there and we are already seeing some progress. By the Lord’s strength we plan to stay in the fight.


24 March 2008

2007 Summary - Part Three


Mom Guido passed away on July 5. It was the first day in ten years with us that she didn’t get out of bed. She hadn’t been eating well for about 2 weeks so we were expecting it. We shared 10 years together with her in our home. She was a very easy person to care for and brought a special joy to our home. We were blessed to have her and miss her greatly.

John was able to attend the Haggai Leadership Seminar in Singapore. It was a great opportunity to meet Christian leaders from all over the world and receive some first class teaching on leadership. Here the group from Latin America receive the first prize for the group presentation they prepared.

During the Haggai Seminar John suffered his first ever attack of sciatica. It was the most painful experience of his life and continues to be a bit of a problem although he is finally feeling 95% better during the last month. This is his friend Sheriff, from Calcutta, India. It looks like he is enjoying ministering to his new brother.

Paul and Diana Hermoza with their son Matias were sent out to join Fabian and Clara Molina and their 3 girls in the work Manta, Ecuador.

His Glorious Presence Church, from Maryland sends youth a youth outreach team to Manta, Ecuador. The Church and the city receive a great blessing and the US team leaves inspired and encouraged by a job well done.


Our church community suffered the most traumatic event of its 20 year history when 4 members of our church are killed in a bus accident. They were on their way back from a youth outreach to the Ark orphanage and were side swiped by an oncoming bus. Andres Vallejo, Pedro Vintimilla and Santiago Carrion lost their lives while serving the Lord Jesus. His grace has mightily poured out on their parents, relatives and friends and on the congregation.

SEPTEMBER - Our daughter Lisa and her husband Christoph, announce Lisa’s pregnancy with our third grandchild. The ultrasound says it’s a boy. Not in this view of a cute profile, of course. The due date is June 3, her father’s birthday. Marilyn will be there at that time for a month to help with the girls and with the new arrival. We are all very excited to welcome another member to the family, and we hope his name is Guido Neumann. :o)