13 April 2013


We are amazed and grateful to report that the time of harvest in Ecuador has continued for over a decade and has shown no sign of abating.  In Cuenca, our third service is standing room only.  Each week we receive 30 to 40 first time visitors, many of whom make a public commitment to the Lord.  On average 20 new believers are being baptized every month.  Our discipleship classes are well attended, our marriage seminars, retreats, and Alpha courses are running at capacity, and about 50% of those who attend are unbelievers, hungry for God.     

The gospel is advancing mightily all over the country. The Lord is pouring out His Spirit on many churches and ministries. In January we celebrated Verbo’s 30th anniversary in Ecuador, and we’re grateful and humbled to see that by His grace, He has shown special favor towards Verbo.  
Diego Espinoza, our national leader, introduces Bob Capaldi, director of South America.
In key cities like Quito, Riobamba, Loja, Pasaje, Guabo and Lago Agrio, Verbo is the largest evangelical church, often times with double or even 3 times the membership of other churches.  In many instances our churches are filled to capacity in 3 and even 4 Sunday services.  In cities like Guayaquil, Cuenca, Santa Rosa and Santa Domingo, our churches have significant influence and favor in the city, with important social works, through their community and ecclesiastical involvement.  
the church in Cuenca
John continues serving as director of the southern region of Verbo Ministries in Ecuador, which includes a total of twelve churches, the Family Health Foundation, a Medical Clinic, the Verbo school- with 250 students from K-12, La Esperanza children’s home, Radio Familia - our FM radio station, and our Arco Language Institute.

John sharing in Quito
Marilyn continues serving in the local church and heading up short-term medical outreaches, throughout the country.....  more on that soon!  
One Physical Therapist prays with a patient, while the other works on a patients hand...
February 2013 - Verbo Santa Isabel



Halfmom said...

So encouraging!!!

Halfmom said...

Very encouraging - thanks for sharing!

John and Marilyn Guido said...

Thanks so much for coming by!